Sunday, April 12, 2015

How to Attach Samples to Carrier Wafers for Plasma Etching or Deposition

The original link for this article is from

How to Attach Samples to Carrier Wafers for Plasma Etching or Deposition

This folder contains procedures for attaching samples to carrier wafers in tools that require full wafer sizes. Pros and cons of each method are given. It should be noted that materials allowed in etch systems may not be allowed in depositions system. This is due to issues such as out-gassing (hazing of the deposited film) of the material or temperature of the system. Specific tool recommendations will be given.

Using Kapton Tape

Kapton tape, a commercial polyimide tape commonly found in the lab, can be used to attach pieces to a carrier wafer.

Using photoresist

Photoresist can be used to attach pieces to a carrier wafer. The commonly available resist in the lab may be used, 3612, SPR22-3 or -7. PMMA may also be used but it is described in another procedure page.

Using PMMA

This page describes two methods of using PMMA to attach samples to carrier wafers. A Wet Mounting procedure and a Heated Mounting procedure. These procedures are courtesy of labmembers Jim Kruger and Jan Petykiewicz.

Using Carbon Dots or Tape

Within is a description the the procedure using carbon dots or tape to attach small samples onto full wafers for etch or deposition in tools that require whole wafers. Included are hints and tips for greater success.

Using CrystalBond

This page describes the procedure for attaching smaller samples to larger of full wafer size carrier wafers.

Materials That are Unacceptable for Attaching Samples to Carrier Wafers

Here is a list of prohibited materials used in other labs or facilities that have been tried in SNF but rejected as not compatible with tools and processes. They are presented as informational only.

Labmembers Survey of Methods for Attaching Samples to Carrier Wafers

Labmember Ashish Pal asked the labmembers mail list for adhesive suggestions. Here are the results in summary.

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